Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) | Oilpainting by Martin Missfeldt

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Cubistic parrots (oilpainting)

Image Description

This picture was taken in 1985. I still went to school, and as a teenager I was very enthusiastic about the romantic animal pictures of Franz Marc. Wobai the animals moved me emotionally, but I found the kind of cubistic picture composition much more exciting. Splitting the motif into two-dimensional areas, which are then colored with varied >colors, is a simple but very effective approach. In the year 2019 I took up this approach again and painted an oil painting with the "Fishes" that continues this series.

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Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) (Detail 1)
Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) (Detail 1)
Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) (Detail 1) Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) (Detail 2) Cubistic parrots (oilpainting) (Detail 3)