Selfportrait in the Rain | Oilpainting by Martin Missfeldt

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Selfportrait in the Rain

Image Description

The self-portrait in the rain - or in front of a rainy window pane. I remember that at first I painted a "realistic" picture - with a mirror in front of the easel. But it bored me. The "realistic" paintings - and especially self-portraits - always remained only on the surface for me. So I painted over them with a thick brush in a fast and rough painting style. And out came, to my great surprise, a portrait that looks as if someone would look behind a rainy windowpane into the open air.

A wonderful picture, also in the figurative sense: It was indeed as if I were sitting behind a rainy pane of glass (in a glass house), and seeing "reality" only distorted and blurred. But I hadn't planned it at all, it turned out that way by chance. Actually, only because I wanted to destroy the underlying image. After all, I was motivated enough to continue to search for "clarity in my pictures"...

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Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 1)
Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 1)
Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 1) Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 2) Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 3) Selfportrait in the rain (Detail 4)