Georg Baselitz - painter | Speedpainting by Martin Missfeldt

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Georg Baselitz - painter

Image Description

From 1988 - 1994 I studied free painting in the master class of Georg Baselitz (Universität der Künste Berlin).

Video with this image

The following video shows the painting process as a time-lapsed video.

Georg Baselitz - painter
"Georg Baselitz - painter", Speed painting, digital painting (Photoshop, Grafiktablett)
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Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 1)
Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 1)
Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 1) Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 2) Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 3) Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 4) Georg Baselitz - painter (Detail 5)