Watercolor Reef Whisper | Watercolor by Martin Missfeldt

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Watercolor Reef Whisper

Image Description

This dot painting is painted with Horadam watercolors (from Schmincke) on Arches handmade paper. It shows at first glance only many more or less large dots, so similar to an eye test to test the color sense. Alleridngs will probably be quite quickly a picture impression that shows that the template of the image is an underwater landscape: a coral reef with some fish.

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Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 1)
Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 1)
Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 1) Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 2) Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 3) Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 4) Watercolor Reef Whisper (Detail 5)