Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing | Ink drawing by Martin Missfeldt

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Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing

Image Description

The subject of this drawing with the brush pen comes again from a series of photos that I took on a sunny spring day during a walk at the monastery Chorin. It shows a leafy forest floor with numerous trees that have no leaves yet. So you can see only the trunks, branches and twigs.

This drawing is a nice example of the proximity-distance phenomenon, which has also been bothering me for a long time: basically, the picture is a scribble picture. If you stand close to it, it looks random and awkward. The different directions of the short strokes create almost an expressive effect, almost like the van Gogh drawings. But the further you move away from the painting, the calmer everything becomes. The hectic spots merge and work together, creating an almost photo-realistic impression from a great distance. It is this liveliness of the active viewer in front of the pictures that fascinates and delights me.

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Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 1)
Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 1)
Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 1) Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 2) Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 3) Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 4) Forest near Chorin, brush pen drawing (Detail 5)