Image Description
This oil painting shows the Mona Lisa (also: la Gioconda) - freely adapted from Leonardo da Vinci. However, she is alienated semi-abstractly on several levels: Instead of the original, the Mona Lisa has no posture from right to left, but the other way round. Moreover, she does not look at the viewer either, but looks out of the picture to the right. The preliminary drawing for this oil painting is constructed as if there had been a second viewer in the portrait situation at the time (there were no cameras yet). This second painter would then have painted Mona-Lisa from the left side (in this play of thoughts Leonardo would be standing on the right with his easel).
When I painted this picture I did not (!) think of people with a red-green weakness - as I usually do when I paint colour vision tests. Here it was about the differentiated colour tones which are largely predetermined by the original picture. I am therefore curious about the reactions of people with red-green vision weakness - whether or how they see the Mona Lisa in it.
The painting was basically finished and completed in December 2019. But in the following weeks I studied the painting several times - and found that something was wrong. It was a kind of grey veil that lay over the painting. A dirty curtain that I had to pull up. So I put the bidl on the easel again at the beginning of February 2020 and continued working on it.
As in the previous pictures I added a layer which I would call light points. Therefore I intensified the color and luminosity of single parts. The picture was finished on February 10, 2020. I also documented this 2nd painting phase as video (see below).
A very exciting side effect of the color vision test images is the topic of the visual distance. Today we have got used to viewing pictures on the internet. The exciting visual experience that pictures from a distance often look different than from close up is something that many people hardly notice anymore. In this picture it is the same: the further you move away or the smaller you scale the thumbnail on the screen, the more clearly you can see the Mona Lisa.
As always, I ran a video camera during the painting and thus documented the painting process. This way you can follow the sequence of the image build-up - which is otherwise difficult to do. This video is (conceptually) part of the work.
Video with this image
The following video shows the painting process as a time-lapsed video.